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A smiling woman wearing a black hat is holding a baby and standing in a group with other women. The baby is looking curiously at one of the women in the group. The setting appears to be casual and friendly.
The Role of U.S. Ties in Refugee Resettlement El rol de las personas de contacto en Estados Unidos en el reasentamiento de las y los refugiados

Refugees coming to the United States through the United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) have...

Resettlement Placement
The United States Reception and Placement Program El Programa de Recepción y Colocación de los Estados Unidos

When you arrive at your final destination in the United States, representatives of a resettlement...

Resettlement Services
Resettlement Services in the U.S. Servicios de reasentamiento en los Estados Unidos

A Resettlement Agency is a non-profit organization that cooperates with the United States Government in...