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Two people are shown exchanging money, with one hand holding a wallet and the other hand handing over cash. A red 'X' is drawn over the image, indicating that this action is prohibited or discouraged.
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The USRAP operates in safe space environments. All staff are here to help you and...

Two people are shown exchanging money, with one hand holding a wallet and the other hand handing over cash. A red 'X' is drawn over the image, indicating that this action is prohibited or discouraged.
ضد تقلب Уникайте шахрайства

USRAP در ماحول‌های وظیفوی مصئون فعالیت می‌کند. همه کارکنان آماده کمک‌رسانی به شما هستند و...

A woman wearing a green headscarf is driving a yellow car, looking worried as she glances in the rearview mirror. Behind her, a police car with flashing red and blue lights is approaching.
كيفية التعامل مع الشرطة في الولايات المتحدة Як взаємодіяти з поліцією в Сполучених Штатах

يتمثل دور الشرطة في الولايات المتحدة في الحفاظ على النظام العام والأمن وتنفيذ القانون، وحماية...

A woman wearing a green headscarf is driving a yellow car, looking worried as she glances in the rearview mirror. Behind her, a police car with flashing red and blue lights is approaching.
How to Interact with Police in the United States Як взаємодіяти з поліцією в Сполучених Штатах

The role of the police in the United States is to respect, protect, and uphold...