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Displaying 65 - 68 of 261 results
An empty courtroom featuring wooden furnishings, a judge's bench, jury seats, and a witness stand. The room is well-lit with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and an American flag is visible behind the judge's bench.
حقونه او مسوولیتونه Rights and Responsibilities

په متحده ایالاتو کې قوانین د ټولو خلکو د حقونو ساتنه کوي. تاسو باید په...

An empty courtroom featuring wooden furnishings, a judge's bench, jury seats, and a witness stand. The room is well-lit with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and an American flag is visible behind the judge's bench.
Права и обязанности Rights and Responsibilities

Законы Соединенных Штатов Америки защищают права всех людей. Вы должны изучить законы и соблюдать их...

An empty courtroom featuring wooden furnishings, a judge's bench, jury seats, and a witness stand. The room is well-lit with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and an American flag is visible behind the judge's bench.
Uburenganzira n’Inshingano Rights and Responsibilities

Muri Leta Zunze Ubumwe za Amerika, amategeko arengera uburenganzira bw’abantu bose. Ugomba kumenya no gukurikiza...

An empty courtroom featuring wooden furnishings, a judge's bench, jury seats, and a witness stand. The room is well-lit with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and an American flag is visible behind the judge's bench.
Haki na Majukumu Rights and Responsibilities

Inchini Marekani, sheria inalinda haki ya batu bote. Lazima ujifunze na kufuata sheria. Lazima ujue...