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Mostrando 5 - 8 de 15 resultados
Hands covered in soap lather are being washed under running water in a sink. A bottle of liquid soap is visible on the counter next to the sink.
Higiene en los Estados Unidos

En los Estados Unidos, la higiene es un factor importante de la vida cotidiana. Notará...

A woman wearing a green headscarf is driving a yellow car, looking worried as she glances in the rearview mirror. Behind her, a police car with flashing red and blue lights is approaching.
Cómo interactuar con la policía en los Estados Unidos

La función de la policía en los Estados Unidos es mantener la seguridad y el...

An empty courtroom featuring wooden furnishings, a judge's bench, jury seats, and a witness stand. The room is well-lit with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and an American flag is visible behind the judge's bench.
Derechos y obligaciones

La legislación de los Estados Unidos protege los derechos de todas las personas. Es su...

The interior of a city bus with passengers seated and some standing, holding onto yellow handrails. The view is towards the front of the bus, showing the driver and the bus's entrance. The bus is in motion, passing through an urban area.

Cuando llegue a su nueva comunidad, habrá distintos tipos de transporte disponibles. En la mayoría...