Vifaa vyote

Inaonyesha 9 - 12 ya matokeo 22
Two people are shown exchanging money, with one hand holding a wallet and the other hand handing over cash. A red 'X' is drawn over the image, indicating that this action is prohibited or discouraged.
Kupinga Udanganyifu na Nafasi ya Usalama

USRAP ina tumika katika mazingira kubwa na kamili. Wafanya kazi wote wako hapa kwakuku saidiya...

A woman is holding a megaphone and speaking into it while standing under an umbrella in the rain. She appears to be at an outdoor event or protest, with blurred greenery in the background.
Sheria za Marekani: Haki za Marekebisho ya Kwanza

Shirikisho la Majimbo ya Marekani lilianzishwa mwaka 1776 wakati wa vita vya mapinduzi dhidi ya...

A view of the United States Capitol building in Washington, D.C., featuring its iconic dome and neoclassical architecture. The building is set against a blue sky with some clouds.
Sheriya ya Amerika: Uongozi wa Sheriya

Amerika inaongozewa na système yenyi kutaka usawa wa inchi na ba raiya balindwe na sheriya...

Home Safety
Usalama wa Nyumbani

Kujua kuongoza usalama ya nyumba yako ni kitu kizuri—kwako, kwa benye banaikala na weye, na...