Reception and Placement

Safe Space

The United States Reception and Placement Program When you arrive at your final destination in the United States, representatives of a resettlement office (or your US-based relative, if you have one) will meet you at the airport to welcome you. You will be transported to safe and sanitary housing pre-arranged for you and your family. […]

The Role of U.S. Ties in Refugee Resettlement

The Role of U.S. Ties in Refugee Resettlement

The Role of U.S. Ties in Refugee Resettlement Refugees coming to the United States through the United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) have the opportunity to identify a U.S. tie with the Resettlement Support Center that is assisting with their case processing. Separate from and unlike an official anchor who files an Affidavit of Relationship, […]