Vifaa vyote

Inaonyesha 9 - 12 ya matokeo 14
Money Management
Usimamizi wa fedha

Gharama ya maisha Marekani ina pishana sana kwa nafasi moja kwa ingine, ila mahali nyingi...

An empty courtroom featuring wooden furnishings, a judge's bench, jury seats, and a witness stand. The room is well-lit with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and an American flag is visible behind the judge's bench.
Haki na Majukumu

Inchini Marekani, sheria inalinda haki ya batu bote. Lazima ujifunze na kufuata sheria. Lazima ujue...

Cultural Adjustment
Kurekebisha Mila

Kurekebisha mila ni mwendo unaochukuwa muda mrefu. Mwendo huu ni tafauti kwa watu tofauti, lakini...

Two people are shown exchanging money, with one hand holding a wallet and the other hand handing over cash. A red 'X' is drawn over the image, indicating that this action is prohibited or discouraged.
Kupinga Udanganyifu na Nafasi ya Usalama

USRAP ina tumika katika mazingira kubwa na kamili. Wafanya kazi wote wako hapa kwakuku saidiya...