ټولې سرچینې

Displaying 5 - 8 of 36 results
A diverse group of people are interacting. A man in a suit and red tie is shaking hands with a woman in a green and white striped shirt. Beside them, a bald man in a green shirt is holding a baby girl with pigtails. Another man, wearing a green shirt and a cap, is standing in the background, smiling.
دا د مهاجرینو لپاره خوندي ځای دی

USRAP د مهاجرینو د ملیت، مذهب، جنډر یا جنسي لیدلوري په پام کې نیولو پرته...

A diverse group of people are interacting. A man in a suit and red tie is shaking hands with a woman in a green and white striped shirt. Beside them, a bald man in a green shirt is holding a baby girl with pigtails. Another man, wearing a green shirt and a cap, is standing in the background, smiling.
فضای امن دا د مهاجرینو لپاره خوندي ځای دی

USRAP در ماحول‌های وظیفوی مصئون فعالیت می‌کند. همه کارکنان آماده کمک‌رسانی به شما هستند و...

A diverse group of people are interacting. A man in a suit and red tie is shaking hands with a woman in a green and white striped shirt. Beside them, a bald man in a green shirt is holding a baby girl with pigtails. Another man, wearing a green shirt and a cap, is standing in the background, smiling.
مساحة آمنة دا د مهاجرینو لپاره خوندي ځای دی

يعمل برنامج USRAP في بيئات آمنة. جميع الموظفين هنا موجودين لمساعدتك ويؤمنون بالمساواة في الحقوق...

Two people are shown exchanging money, with one hand holding a wallet and the other hand handing over cash. A red 'X' is drawn over the image, indicating that this action is prohibited or discouraged.
ضد تقلب د درغلۍ مخنیوی او راپور ورکول

USRAP در ماحول‌های وظیفوی مصئون فعالیت می‌کند. همه کارکنان آماده کمک‌رسانی به شما هستند و...